Schools are classified according to their average enrollment per grade. Larger schools with
an average of 27.5 or more students per grade are classified as "AA". Smaller schools with less
than 27.5 students per grade are classified as "A".
Class "A":
$395 per year
Class "AA":
$495 per year
$60 per year
Participation fees are paid per contest regardless of grade level.
$60 per contest (maximum of $900 -- a $240 savings)
(OAP participants pay minimum of $200, but fee will count for other events as well)
District Entry Fees
Fees for district competition are paid directly to the District Meet host (not the PSIA
State Office). Districts are allowed to set their own entry fees up to $12.00 per entry. Additionally,
some districts charge a Technology Fee for the use of the meet management program AMC.
State Entry Fees
Fees for state competition are paid the PSIA State Office. These fees are used
to defray the cost of the facility, the materials, for paid speech judges, and other costs associated
with running the meet. Fees are $18.00 per entry.