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Unlock Your Child's Potential
Join the PSIA Homeschool Community
Enrich your Homeschool Curriculum with the Thrill and Excitement of Academic Competition
Kylie Liu — Homeschool Champion 2023 (along with her $1250 scholarship check)
Enriching Experiences
Homeschoolers are welcome to join the PSIA family. We provide a safe, structured way to expand the normal curriculum to engage your homeschooler and help them reach their full potential.
Homeschools are easily able to insert PSIA contest preparation into their normal curriculum. Our contest are centered around the standard elements for each class and then expanded on. Homeschoolers have many levels of freedom when getting ready for PSIA competition. From devoting a few minutes here and there to having dedicated time built into your weekly schedule for PSIA, we are here to support whatever level of commitment you desire.
Connect with other Homeschoolers in the PSIA program. Experience shows that our homeschool families are very generous with their time, sharing their ideas and strategies for success. You are welcome to be a part of that community!
Individual Families
If your child attends a private or parochial school that is not a member of PSIA, you are eligible to become a member of PSIA! Several of our private schools were brought in because families chose to participate as individuals one year and spread the joy of our organization to the rest of the school the next.
lexy hs winner
"Competing in PSIA these last few years has taught me to have a better work ethic, better time manangement, and how to study to be successful. However, if I am honest I also love to compete with people from all over the state. I love that I get to see a lot of the same people from year to year and we look forward to meeting up at the district and state competitions."
— Lexy Rendon, Homeschool Champion 2024
PSIA offers over 60 contests based on event and grade levels for students to excel. As you can see from the chart, there is a little something for everyone.

Is your child a whiz with numbers? Check out the STEM contests.

Is he or she a wordsmith? Perhaps one of our Language Arts contests will be their forte.

Does your child have the gift of gab? Speech is the place for them!

For more information on the contests, visit our Contests Resources page.
contest pie chart
cost comparison to sports
Homeschools that participate in PSIA must become members first. In order to be eligible to compete as a homeschool or individual family, your child cannot be enrolled in another PSIA school. If your children attend a private school that is not a PSIA member, they are eligible to compete in PSIA as a homeschool.

$60.00 per year
$60.00 per event*
$12.00 per entry
$18.00 per entry
The average cost for a child to play sports is $693. With your child competing in 3 events, going to District, and advancing out of District to State, your total costs are still about half of that amount.
*Note that events only consider contest name, but cover all grades. For example, if you have a third grade child that wants to do Number Sense and a sixth grade child that also wants to do Number Sense, you only pay one fee for Number Sense to cover all grades.
students at a meet
Registration is simple and easy. Go to our Members Plus page and create a new account. As the parent, you will be both the Campus Coordinator and the Administrator. After creating your profile, click on the Register button. You'll need to fill in the grades of your children and select which contest events they will compete in. This Participation list can be changed through December 15th of each year. Finally, you will choose where you'd like to go to District. Since Homeschools are not subject to the regular "A" (small) and "AA" (large) school classifications, you may compete in any district you'd like. Homeschools pick the district based on location and date (avoiding other conflicts). If your child advances to State, they must attend the State Meet corresponding to the classification of the District ("A" or "AA").