Resources for Preparing for Meets

This page is dedicated to the administration of meets. If you are looking for resources to prepare students for competition, please visit the Resources - Contests pages.


  • 25 Conflict Pattern -- Used to determine which contests students can or cannot participate in because of overlaps. Students can participate in two contests at the same time only if at least one of the contests is a speech contest.
  • 25 Contest Grid -- Used to determine which grade levels exists for a contest and which grades use the same test. Checkmarks indicate a test does exist for that grade level in that contest. Same colored backgrounds for multiple grades in a contest indicate that the same test is used for those grades. Remember that students can compete up one or two grade levels.
  • Directors' Checklists -- Used to guide Contest Directors in the administration of the contest. Districts are allowed to alter the checklists as needed to fit their needs, but the procedure should mostly be the same. One factor that is highly variable across districts is whether awards will be given out in the verification/evaluation return room or if awards will be presented in the holding area in front of the large crowd.

Video Resources

  • PSIA - Contest Director's Meeting -- State 2024 -- Recording of the Contest Director's Meeting from State 2024. Great resource for general information on how to run a contest, but be aware that the districts have their own specific procedures.
  • PSIA - Grader Training -- Information on how to grade objective contests. Please find out if your contest is a standard multiple choice contests first. Only one example of a standard multiple choice contest was given. Rest of the video is for contests where students write out answers.
  • PSIA - Speech Judges Meeting 2024 -- Information on the philosophy of PSIA Speech contests and general rules that we apply.